Monday, November 06, 2006

Writing to Heal Social Anxiety

Writing to heal social anxietyDo you have any techniques that you have found work for you when your are anxious? What do you do in this cases?

I write as a way of helping myself to overcome social anxiety, is a way for me to flush my mind, to be able to let my thoughts come out. Most of the time the things that come out are very painfull, but I know that if I just let them out instead of blocking them, I'm going be able to give a different order to my mind and thoughts, I compare this to draining the toilet.

In a way is letting out all kind of "dirty things" out of my mind, I call them "the garbage or cockroaches" in my mind. That is a way I have found to deal with social anxiety, when I am anxious, I write about it, I write about what I feel, what I think.


social avoidance said...

I used to drink myself too, did it for quite a while, I didn't know back then why I was drinking. Now I see it so clear, I had anxiety because of my dificulties in relationships with others, that was the reason of drinking.

social avoidance said...

"It was also the start of me addressing the problem and changing my life I think so some good came from it."

I am glad you were able to do it, it takes time, is a process.